Northern New Jersey Intergroup, Inc.
2400 Morris Avenue, Suite 106
Union, NJ 07083-5706
Phone: 908-687-8566
Fax: 908-964-8146
Northern New Jersey Intergroup (IG) accepts donations from Groups or Individuals. This is the primary source of income allowing IG to carry on its work. Our bylaws as well as the A.A. Traditions allow us to accept donations only from individuals who are A.A. members. All others must be respectfully declined. You may make a donation by sending a check to the Intergroup Office at the address above or through PayPal using a credit card or existing PayPal Account.
Northern New Jersey Intergroup, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization and as such indivdual contributions are Federal Tax Deductible.
Group Contributions can only be acknowledged if there is identifying information such as the GSO #, group name, and the town, day(s), and location of the meeting(s).
Individual Acknowledgements require name and address, and will be listed as Anonymous on the Intergroup Cash Flow Statement. PayPal does not pass on individual credit card information to Intergroup.
In keeping with A.A.’s Seventh Tradition of self-support, we accept contributions only from A.A. members. Check the box if you wish to donate.
By checking this box you agree that you are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous!
When sending contribution checks to the Intergroup Office, please indicate the Group name, town Group ID number on the remittance envelope or check. If the contribution is a personal, individual, anonymous donation, please indicate.
When making contributions via PayPal, please select Individual or Group from the drop down menu. If the contribution is from a Group, there will be a prompt, which has been recently updated to request the Group name, town and the Group ID #.
As examples, there are 25 groups in the Intergroup database with “As Bill Sees It” in the name of the group and 14 groups with “Easy Does It” in their title. When JUST a name of a Group is provided, the IG office is not able to process your contribution efficiently and expeditiously.