History and Archives Committee

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We are a joint committee of New Jersey General Service Area 44 and Intergroup comprised of a group of trusted servants and like-minded individuals interested in discovering and preserving our rich history of AA in Northern NJ.


Pursuant to our primary purpose of maintaining our sobriety and helping other alcoholics achieve sobriety, the History and Archives Committee preserves the legacy of Alcoholics Anonymous with an emphasis on AA in Northern New Jersey. This is accomplished by receiving, classifying, indexing and storing all relevant materials including but not limited to correspondence, convention programs, tape recordings, and literary works considered to have historical import to AA in northern NJ or AA as a whole. The Committee ensures AA's history ispreserved by making access to the materials possible, with a mindful view toward anonymity of our members.


We provide a variety of services to the fellowship in Northern NJ:
  • Displays of early historical landmarks (William Street, Newark, South Orange) literature (Circus cover Big Book, early Grapevines), and other significant material (early meeting lists, Jack Alexander article) to be used for Group Anniversaries, Days of Sharing and AA Conventions.
  • A repository of documentation and information held at our Intergroup Office in Union. This information is in the process of being organized, preserved and cataloged for use by our membership.
  • Knowledgeable speakers on AA history presenting a variety of topics, with an emphasis on activities in New Jersey.
  • Displays must be reserved in advance of the requested date. Please contact the Intergroup Office via phone, FAX, or mail to reserve using the checkout form available from a committee member or from the web. The displays are loaned out on first come, first serve basis. Checkout form is also located on the web. Deeds of Gift forms for donating items to the Archives.


We are always looking for individuals who wish to help in preserving our legacy. Specifically, we have the following needs:
  • Tape transcription (spoken word to paper)
  • Document preservation (treating documents to prevent deterioration)
  • Interviewing and Recording Old Timers in our Area (old timer defined as 40+ years of continuous sobriety)
  • Recording local AA group history for compilation into a Group Family Tree of Northern NJ
  • Donation of AA related materials

Items can be mailed to the NNJAA Archives, 2444 Morris Avenue, Union, New Jersey, 07083-5705

Whenever a society or civilization perishes there is always one condition present; they forgot where they came from.

- Carl Sandburg