Correctional Facilities Committee

Pink Can Wrapper

The pink can collects spare change into a fund that is used to provide persons in custody with much needed literature. You may see these cans at your homegroup. If not, you can download the form here and tape it around an empty coffee can. The form needs to be printed on pink paper sized to 8 1/2" X 14". If that is not available, email to request one via snail mail.
Click on the image to download a printable file.
Checks can be made out to “NNJGS Area 44” with “Corrections” on the memo line In order to receive proper acknowledgement in “This Day” (the quarterly newsletter) please indicate your group’s name and location.
Mail checks to: NNJGS Area 44 2325 Plainfield Ave., Suite 2J South Plainfield, NJ 07080 orUse our Online Contribution Page: Online Contributions
Monetary donations can be given directly to your district's CFC member or can be brought to our bi-monthly meeting. It is held at the Area 44 office, the location listed above. Meetings are usually on the third Saturday of odd months at 10am. However, please reference the calendar on our website, , to confirm. We accept used A.A. approved literature and Grapevine materials as long as they are in good condition, soft cover, and unstapled. Contact us at and we will arrange to pick up the literature.