Grapevine Order Form

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Grapevine Order Details

Qty Description Code Price Total
A Rabbit walks into a Bar GV22 $14.00
AA in the Military GV38 $11.50
Beginners Book: Getting and Staying Sober in AA GV20 $14.00
Best of Bill (Large Print - Soft) BB07 $7.00
Best of Bill (soft) BB06 $7.00
Daily Quote Book GV32 $14.00
Emotional Sobriety I : The Next Frontier GV17 $14.00
Emotional Sobriety II GV26 $14.00
Forming True Partnerships GV34 $11.50
Free on the Inside GV43 $14.00
Fun in Sobriety GV45 $14.00
Happy Joyous & Free: The Lighter Side of Sobriety GV29 $11.50
Home Group-Heartbeat of AA (New) GV46 $14.00
I Am Responsible: The Hand of AA GV16 $11.50
In Our Own Words: Stories of Young AAs in Recovery GV19 $11.50
Into Action - Stories from AA Grapevine GV28 $14.00
Language of the Heart (Hard) GV06 $17.00
Language of the Heart (Large Print) GV18 $18.00
Language of the Heart(Soft) GV11 $16.00
Making Amends GV36 $11.50
No Matter What: Dealing With Adversity in Sobriety GV31 $14.00
One Big Tent GV39 $14.00
One on One: AA Sponsorship in Action GV30 $11.50
Our Twelve Traditions GV35 $11.50
Our Twelve Steps GV47 $14.00
Prayer & Medtation GV44 $14.00
Sober & Out GV33 $14.00
Spiritual Awakenings I - Journeys of the Spirit GV14 $14.00
Spiritual Awakenings II GV23 $11.50
Step by Step GV25 $14.00
Take Me To Your Sponsor GV40 $14.00
Thank You for Sharing — Sixty Years of Letters to the AA Grapevine GV13 $11.50
Voices of Long-Term Sobriety GV21 $14.00
Voices of Women in AA GV37 $14.00
Young & Sober: Stories from AA Grapevine GV27 $11.50
Bajo El Mismo Techo SGV39 $11.50
Despertares Espirituales CD (V.1) SCD12 $10.50
El Grupo Base SGV15 $9.50
El Grupo Base CD (V.1) SCD16 $10.50
El Grupo Base CD (V.2) SCD17 $10.50
El Lenguaje Del Corazón GV08 $13.50
Felices Alegres y Libres SGV29 $11.50
Frente A Frente SGV04 $11.50
Historias De La Viña CD07 $10.50
Historias De La Viña II: Pasos 1 a 6 SCD08 $10.50
Historias De La Viña III: Pasos 7 a 12 SCD09 $10.50
La Historia De AA SCD11 $10.50
Las Doce Tradiciones CD (V.1) SCD14 $10.50
Las Doce Tradiciones CD (V.2) SCD15 $10.50
Lo Mejor de Bill (Soft Cover) SBB06 $5.25
Lo Mejor De La Viña (Soft Cover) SGV01 $10.50
Lo Mejor De Bill En CD (Audiolibro) SCD10 $10.50
Sobriedad Emocional SGV17 $11.50
Libro De Cita Diara con el Grapevine SGV32 $11.50
Mujeres En AA SGV37 $11.50
Un Día A La Vez SGV03 $14.00
Oracion Y Meditatcion SGV44 $14.00
AA Preamble MS01 $2.50
AA Preambulo SP01 $2.50
Back Issues Of Grapevine or La Vina B101 $56.00
Back Issues Of Grapevine or La Vina GVLVB $1.00
Carry The Message Gift Certificate CTMGVGFTC $26.07
CO-Founders Memorial Issues MS15 $7.50
Current Issues Of Grapevine or La Vina GVLVC $2.50
El Hombre en la Cama SMS03 $4.50
El Kit de Herrramientas de La Vina SMS07 $39.99
Facsimile of the First Issue of the Grapevine BB01 $4.00
Grapevine Toolkit MS23 $49.99
La Oración de la Serenidad SP05 $3.00
Los Lemas (Conjunto De 5) SP04 $6.00
Man on the Bed MS03 $4.50
Pocket Planner 2022 MS09 $6.00
Serenity Prayer MS05 $3.00
Slogan (set of 5) MS04 $6.00
Traditions Checklist MS20 $6.50
Un Chequeo SP20BULK6.50E $6.50
Wall Calendar MS08 $10.50
E- Books (except as noted below) GV##eBook $11.99
Best of Bill e-book BB06eBook $4.99
Best of Grapevine 1 2 3 e-book GV41eBook $21.99
Libros Electronicos (except as noted below) SGV##eBook $10.99
Lo Mejor de Bill e-book 574eBook $4.99
Grapevine Literature Total $0.00